The MorningStar Academy
Premier Private PreK-12 Christian School since 2001
High School Graduation Requirements
If a student attends The MorningStar Academy and chooses not to have teacher support, they are considered home school students and credits will not be awarded for the courses. They will not graduate from The MorningStar Academy nor will credits be able to be transferred to another school. They will have to follow their own state's guidelines for acquiring a high school diploma.
If a student is enrolled in at least six full time courses with teacher support, they can receive a high school diploma from The MorningStar Academy. If their roster has less than six classes, they are considered part time and should transfer the credits to another school as they will not be able to graduate from our academy.
Students of any age can earn a high school diploma from The MorningStar ACADEMY by demonstrating they have fulfilled our high school graduation requirements. To obtain a standard high school diploma from us, students must successfully complete at least 23 credits of high school coursework.
If a student is planning on graduating with us, we will need to have a record of your previous schooling. This includes:
If a student has previously attended a public or private institution, they must submit an official transcript, which should include a signature and school seal.
If a student has previously attended a home school program, The MorningStar Academy without teachers or any others, they must submit a home school portfolio, documenting the student's grades, subjects, and attendance as well as provide examples of lessons, assignments, tests, quizzes, etc.
And any course taken in a core subject OVER the required credit amount (ex: If you take 5 English courses: 4 will count towards your English requirement, 1 will count as an Elective)
One credit will be awarded for each course that is completed correctly (all incomplete and incorrect work will earn a zero).
Home school students have the ability to work at their own pace throughout the school year.
A global language is not required, although many higher-level educational institutions require it for admission.
The Health and Physical Education credit requires the completion of forty (40) hours of an organized sport in addition to the completion of all online lessons in the Health course. To be awarded a complete credit for the year in the Health & Physical Education course, you must provide proof of the student's enrollment and participation in an organized sport of your choice by submitting a receipt of payment for the organized sport, class, etc. or a letter from the instructor or coach noting his/her participation and completion of 40 hours. The 40 required hours must be taken while enrolled in the Health and Physical Education course, or the course may be taken in the summer session following when the hours where completed. If this portion is not completed, the student will earn a half (.5) credit for Health and no credit for PE.
At any time parents may request their student's grades. Transcripts requested during an enrollment period will note the student's completion percentage. Transcripts requested at the conclusion of an enrollment period will contain a GPA. There is a $42.00 fee for a transcript.
Credits issued on a transcript can come from a variety of places. Credits transferred from another school or home school program to The Cambridge Academy will be listed on the transcript if deemed acceptable by our Registrar.
Please note: If your student transfers into us from another school or program, we cannot issue an official cumulative transcript until and unless we have received all transcripts from the other schools. In the case that records are missing, we will issue a transcript for the school years attended at The Cambridge Academy only.
Transcript Evaluations
After we receive your student's official transcript from your previous school(s) or your portfolio from your previous homeschool program(s), an evaluation is prepared. This document encompasses both the credits transferred to our academy, as well as the courses that are still necessary according to our high school graduation requirements. The evaluation will be emailed to the address we have on file for you for your personal records, while a copy will be stored in your student's file.
Each completed and passed, full-year course is given one (1) full credit. Semester courses are given a half (.5) credit.
The fees to transfer credits in to The Cambridge Academy are as such:
Public/Private School$15.00 each
Home school$27.00 each
Please note: It is very important to provide all previous school records to the Office of the Registrar, so that the student stays on track during their high school years. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact our Registrar by e-mail at MemberServices@TheCambridgeAcademy.org.
Attendance Requirements
Cambridge Academy students are expected to work diligently and consistently on their school work. The Cambridge Academy is registered in the State of Texas. As such we require all students (even if residing in another state) to fulfill Texas's Education Code Section 25.086 which requires that students complete the following amount of hours in a given school year:
Kindergarten: Five hundred forty (540) net instructional hours.
Grades 1-3: Seven hundred twenty (720) net instructional hours.
Grades 4-12: Nine hundred (900) net instructional hours.
The Cambridge Academy considers "net instrucitonal hours" to be the sum of your logged Intructional Time as recorded in your timelog/gradebook plus your logged Joy Directed Activity time.
If a student does not meet these attendance requirements, they will not pass the grade and will be forced to repeat the grade level.
If medical or family issues arise that may cause the student to miss an extended amount of school, a letter must be emailed to The Cambridge Academy member services department (MemberServices@TheCambridgeAcademy.org) with verification of the issue. All medical and family issues are handled on a case by case basis.
Home School Credit Transfer Requirements
Please click here for the guidelines on how to transfer credits from a home school using a portfolio. Our guidelines are laid out the document. Please contact us after reading the document if you have any additional questions. Please note that we require the Phys. Ed. portion of a transfer home school credit of Health and Phys. Ed. to include a 40-hour letter from a coach or log of Phys. Ed. activities completed. The activities must be completed within the same year of taking Health for your student to receive a transfer credit.

One credit will be awarded for each course that is completed correctly (all incomplete and incorrect work will earn a zero).
Home school students have the ability to work at their own pace throughout the school year.
A Global Language is not required, although many higher-level educational institutions require it for admission.
The Health and Physical Education credit requires the completion of forty (40) hours of an organized sport in addition to the completion of all online lessons in the Health course. To be awarded a complete credit for the year in the Health & Physical Education course, you must provide proof of the student's enrollment and participation in an organized sport of your choice by submitting a receipt of payment for the organized sport, class, etc. or a letter from the instructor or coach noting his/her participation and completion of 40 hours. The 40 required hours must be taken while enrolled in the Health and Physical Education course, or the course may be taken in the summer session following when the hours where completed.
At any time parents may request their student's grades. Transcripts requested during an enrollment period will note the student's completion percentage. Transcripts requested at the conclusion of an enrollment period will contain a GPA. There is a $119.00 fee for a transcript.
Credits issued on a transcript can come from a variety of places. Credits transferred from another school or home school program to The MorningStar Academy will be listed on the transcript if deemed acceptable by our Registrar.
Please note: If your student transfers into us from another school or program, we cannot issue an official cumulative transcript until and unless we have received all transcripts from the other schools. In the case that records are missing, we will issue a transcript for the school years attended at The MorningStar Academy only.
Transcript Evaluations
After we receive your student's official transcript from your previous school(s) or your portfolio from your previous homeschool program(s), an evaluation is prepared. This document encompasses both the credits transferred to our academy, as well as the courses that are still necessary according to our high school graduation requirements. The evaluation will be emailed to the address we have on file for you for your personal records, while a copy will be stored in your student's file.
Each completed and passed, full-year course is given one (1) full credit.
The fees to transfer credits in to The MorningStar Academy are:
Public/Private School: $15.00 each
Home school: $27.00 each
Please note: It is very important to provide all previous school records to the Office of the Registrar, so that the student stays on track during their high school years. If you should have any questions or concerns, please email at info@eschoolhouse.com
Attendance Requirements
Morningstar students are expected to work diligently and consistently on their school work. The Cambridge Academy is registered in the State of Florida. As such we require all students (even if residing in another state) to fulfill Florida's Education Code Section 25.086 which requires that students complete the following amount of hours in a given school year:
Kindergarten: Five hundred forty (540) net instructional hours.
Grades 1-3: Seven hundred twenty (720) net instructional hours.
Grades 4-12: Nine hundred (900) net instructional hours.
The Cambridge Academy considers "net instructional hours" to be the sum of your logged Intructional Time as recorded in your timelog/gradebook plus your logged Joy Directed Activity time and any and all educational time spent offline.
If a student does not meet these attendance requirements, they will not pass the grade and will be forced to repeat the grade level.
If medical or family issues arise that may cause the student to miss an extended amount of school, a letter must be emailed to The MorningStar Academy member services department with verification of the issue. All medical and family issues are handled on a case by case basis.
Home School Credit Transfer Requirements
Please click here for the guidelines on how to transfer credits from a home school using a portfolio. Our guidelines are laid out the document. Please contact us after reading the document if you have any additional questions. Please note that we require the Phys. Ed. portion of a transfer home school credit of Health and Phys. Ed. to include a 40-hour letter from a coach or log of Phys. Ed. activities completed. The activities must be completed within the same year of taking Health for your student to receive a transfer credit.
QUESTIONS: Please call 1-484-383-3900 between 12 pm -4 pm EST Monday - Friday